Source code for bluetooth_mesh.application

# python-bluetooth-mesh - Bluetooth Mesh for Python
# Copyright (C) 2019  SILVAIR sp. z o.o.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
This module provides a high-level API for BlueZ mesh stack.

.. _mesh-api.txt:

import asyncio
import logging
import socket
import struct
from enum import Enum
from functools import lru_cache, partial
from os import urandom
from typing import (
from uuid import UUID, uuid5

import construct
import dbus_next

from bluetooth_mesh.crypto import ApplicationKey, DeviceKey, NetworkKey
from bluetooth_mesh.interfaces import (
from bluetooth_mesh.messages import AccessMessage
from bluetooth_mesh.models import ConfigClient, ModelConfig
from bluetooth_mesh.tokenring import TokenRing
from bluetooth_mesh.utils import MeshError, ParsedMeshMessage

__all__ = [

class JoinComplete(NamedTuple):
    callback: Callable[[int], Awaitable]
    future: asyncio.Future

class Capabilities(Enum):
    BLINK = "blink"
    BEEP = "beep"
    VIBRATE = "vibrate"
    OUT_NUMERIC = "out-numeric"
    OUT_ALPHA = "out-alpha"
    PUSH = "push"
    TWIST = "twist"
    IN_NUMERIC = "in-numeric"
    IN_ALPHA = "in-alpha"
    STATIC_OOB = "static-oob"
    PUBLIC_OOB = "public-oob"

class OOBInfo(Enum):
    OTHER = "other"
    URI = "uri"
    MACHINE_CODE_2D = "machine-code-2d"
    BAR_CODE = "bar-code"
    NFC = "nfc"
    NUMBER = "number"
    STRING = "string"
    ON_BOX = "on-box"
    IN_BOX = "in-box"
    ON_PAPER = "on-paper"
    IN_MANUAL = "in-manual"
    ON_DEVICE = "on-device"

[docs]class CompositionDataMixin: """ Provides propertied to company id, product id, version id and replay protection list size. These are used by :py:class:`bluetooth_mesh.interfaces.ApplicationInterface` to expose them via D-Bus. """ COMPANY_ID = 0xFEE5 PRODUCT_ID = 0x42 VERSION_ID = 1 CRPL = 0x7FFF @property def company_id(self) -> int: return self.COMPANY_ID @property def product_id(self) -> int: return self.PRODUCT_ID @property def version_id(self) -> int: return self.VERSION_ID @property def crpl(self) -> int: return self.CRPL
[docs]class PathMixin: """ Provides `path` property under which py:class:`bluetooth_mesh.interfaces.ApplicationInterface` will be registered on D-Bus. """ PATH = "/com/silvair/application" @property def path(self) -> str: return self.PATH
[docs]class MachineUUIDMixin(PathMixin): """ Provides `uuid` property based on systemd's machine-id. """
[docs] @staticmethod def get_namespace(): with open("/etc/machine-id") as machine_id: return UUID(
@property def uuid(self) -> UUID: namespace = self.get_namespace() return uuid5(namespace=namespace, name=self.path)
[docs]class TokenRingMixin(MachineUUIDMixin): """ Provides a token ring handler based on application UUID. The handler is responsible for token ring persistence: the framework expects that tokens for nodes of a single application are stored & reused with subsequent launches. """ TOKEN_RING = TokenRing @property @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def token_ring(self) -> TokenRing: return self.TOKEN_RING(uuid=self.uuid)
[docs]class NetworkKeyMixin: @property def primary_net_key(self) -> Tuple[int, NetworkKey]: """ Index and key of the network that the application belongs to. Used when creating a new node, see :py:func:`Application.import_node`. """ raise NotImplementedError("Getting primary network key should be overridden!") @property def subnet_keys(self) -> List[Tuple[int, NetworkKey]]: """ Indexes and keys of the subnets. """ raise NotImplementedError("Getting subnet network keys should be overridden!")
class AddressMixin: @property def address(self) -> int: addr = getattr(self, "__address", None) if addr is None: raise AttributeError("Application didn't provide an address") return addr @address.setter def address(self, value: int): if self.node_interface and getattr(self, "__address", None) != value: raise AttributeError("Can't set address once node is provisioned") setattr(self, "__address", value) class IvIndexMixin: @property def iv_index(self) -> int: iv = getattr(self, "__iv_index", 0) if iv is None: raise AttributeError("Application didn't provide an IV Index") return iv @iv_index.setter def iv_index(self, value: int): if self.node_interface: raise AttributeError("Can't set IV Index once node is provisioned") setattr(self, "__iv_index", value) @property def iv_update(self) -> bool: iv = getattr(self, "__iv_update", False) if iv is None: raise AttributeError("Application didn't provide an IV Update") return iv @iv_update.setter def iv_update(self, value: bool): if self.node_interface: raise AttributeError("Can't set IV Update once node is provisioned") setattr(self, "__iv_update", value) class ApplicationKeyMixin(NetworkKeyMixin): @property def primary_app_key(self) -> Tuple[int, int, ApplicationKey]: """ Return first found application key that is bound to primary network key. """ net_index, _ = self.primary_net_key for index, bound, key in self.app_keys: if bound == net_index: return index, bound, key raise IndexError("Primary application key not found") @property def app_keys(self) -> List[Tuple[int, int, ApplicationKey]]: """ Indexes, bound network key indexes, and application keys. """ raise NotImplementedError("Getting application keys should be overridden!")
[docs]class DeviceKeyMixin: @property def dev_key(self) -> DeviceKey: """ Application's device_key. Used when creating a new node, see :py:func:`Application.import_node`. """ return DeviceKey(urandom(16))
class DBusMixin: DBUS_SERVICE = None logger: logging.Logger def _name_owner_changed(self, name, old_owner, new_owner) -> None: if name != self.DBUS_SERVICE.NAME: return self.logger.error("Disconnected from %s (%s)", name, old_owner) self.dbus_disconnected(old_owner) async def dbus_connect(self) -> None: message_bus = dbus_next.aio.MessageBus(bus_type=dbus_next.BusType.SYSTEM) self.logger.debug("Connecting to D-Bus") self.bus = await message_bus.connect() introspection = await self.bus.introspect(DBusService.NAME, DBusService.PATH) dbus_service = self.bus.get_proxy_object( DBusService.NAME, DBusService.PATH, introspection ) self.dbus_interface = DBusInterface(dbus_service)"Connecting to %s", self.DBUS_SERVICE.NAME) owner = await self.dbus_interface.get_service(self.DBUS_SERVICE) self.dbus_interface.on_name_owner_changed(self._name_owner_changed) await self.dbus_connected(owner) async def dbus_disconnect(self) -> None: self.dbus_interface.off_name_owner_changed(self._name_owner_changed) self.bus.disconnect() self.dbus_disconnected(None) async def dbus_connected(self, owner) -> None: pass def dbus_disconnected(self, owner) -> Any: self.loop.stop() async def __aenter__(self) -> "DBusMixin": await self.dbus_connect() return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb) -> Any: return await self.dbus_disconnect() class ProvisioningMixin: CAPABILITIES = [] OOBINFO = [] URI = "" def private_key(self) -> bytes: """ This method is called during provisioning if the Provisioner has requested Out-Of-Band ECC key exchange. The Private key is returned to the Daemon, and the Public Key is delivered to the remote Provisioner using a method that does not involve the Bluetooth Mesh system. The Private Key returned must be 32 octets in size. """ raise NotImplementedError("Getting private key should be overridden!") def public_key(self) -> bytes: """ This method is called during provisioning if the local device is the Provisioner, and is requestng Out-Of-Band ECC key exchange. The Public key is returned to the Daemon that is the matched pair of the Private key of the remote device. The Public Key returned must be 64 octets in size. """ raise NotImplementedError("Getting public key should be overridden!") def display_string(self, value: str): """ This method is called when the Daemon has something important for the Agent to Display, but does not require any additional input locally. :param value: String :return: """ raise NotImplementedError("Display functions should be overridden!") def display_numeric(self, type: str, number: int): """ This method is called when the Daemon has something important for the Agent to Display, but does not require any additional input locally. :param type: String :param value: Integer :return: """ raise NotImplementedError("Display functions should be overridden!") def prompt_static(self, type: str) -> bytes: """ This method is called when the Daemon requires a 16 octet byte array, as an Out-of-Band authentication. :param type: :return: """ raise NotImplementedError("Prompt functions should be overridden!") def prompt_numeric(self, type: str) -> int: """ This method is called when the Daemon requests the user to enter a decimal value between 1-99999999. :param type: :return: """ raise NotImplementedError("Prompt functions should be overridden!") def cancel(self): """ This method gets called by the daemon to cancel any existing Agent Requests. When called, any pending user input should be canceled, and any display requests removed. :return: """ raise NotImplementedError("Cancel functions should be overridden!") @property def capabilities(self) -> List[Capabilities]: """ Return list of available capabilities. """ return self.CAPABILITIES @capabilities.setter def capabilities(self, cap: List[Capabilities]): self.CAPABILITIES = cap @property def oob_info(self) -> List[OOBInfo]: """ Indicates availability of OOB data. """ return self.OOBINFO @oob_info.setter def oob_info(self, info: List[OOBInfo]): self.OOBINFO = info @property def uri(self) -> str: return self.URI class ProvisionerMixin: def scan_result(self, rssi: int, data: bytes, options: dict): """ The method is called from the bluetooth-meshd daemon when a unique UUID has been seen during UnprovisionedScan() for unprovsioned devices. :param rssi: signed, normalized measurement of the signal strength of the recieved unprovisioned beacon :param data: :param options: :return: """ raise NotImplementedError("Provisioner functions should be overridden!") def request_prov_data(self, count: int) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ This method is implemented by a Provisioner capable application and is called when the remote device has been fully authenticated and confirmed. :param count: consecutive unicast addresses the remote device is requesting :return: :param unet_index: Subnet index of the net_key :param uunicast: Primary Unicast address of the new node """ raise NotImplementedError("Provisioner functions should be overridden!") def add_node_complete(self, uuid: bytes, unicast: int, count: int): """ This method is called when the node provisioning initiated by an AddNode() method call successfully completed. :param uuid: 16 byte remote device UUID :param unicast: primary address that has been assigned to the new node, and the address of it's config server :param count: number of unicast addresses assigned to the new node :return: """ raise NotImplementedError("Provisioner functions should be overridden!") def add_node_failed(self, uuid: bytes, reason: str): """ This method is called when the node provisioning initiated by AddNode() has failed. Depending on how far Provisioning proceeded before failing, some cleanup of cached data may be required. :param uuid: 16 byte remote device UUID :param reason: reason for provisioning failure :return: """ raise NotImplementedError("Provisioner functions should be overridden!")
[docs]class Application( CompositionDataMixin, TokenRingMixin, MachineUUIDMixin, PathMixin, ApplicationKeyMixin, DeviceKeyMixin, NetworkKeyMixin, DBusMixin, ProvisioningMixin, ProvisionerMixin, AddressMixin, IvIndexMixin, ): """ Base class for mesh applications. """ DBUS_SERVICE = MeshService ELEMENTS = {} # type: Dict[int, Type[Element]] def __init__(self, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop): super().__init__() self.loop = loop self.logger = logging.getLogger(type(self).__name__) self.application_interface = ApplicationInterface(self) self.provision_agent_interface = ProvisionAgentInterface(self) self.provisioner_interface = ProvisionerInterface(self) self.elements = {} # type: Dict[int, Element] self.network_interface = None self.node_interface = None self.management_interface = None self._join_complete = None async def _get_acl_interface(self): mesh_introspection = await self.bus.introspect( MeshService.NAME, MeshService.PATH ) tcp_server = [ for node in mesh_introspection.nodes if"tcpserver_") ] if not tcp_server: self.logger.warning("TCP interface missing") raise NotImplementedError path = "%s/%s" % (self.DBUS_SERVICE.PATH, tcp_server[0]) introspection = await self.bus.introspect(MeshService.NAME, path) acl_service = self.bus.get_proxy_object(MeshService.NAME, path, introspection) return AclInterface(acl_service)
[docs] async def acl_grant(self, uuid, dev_key, net_key): server = await self._get_acl_interface() token = await server.grant_access(uuid.bytes, dev_key.bytes, net_key.bytes) self.token_ring.acl(uuid, token)
[docs] async def acl_revoke(self, uuid): server = await self._get_acl_interface() await server.revoke_access(self.token_ring.acl(uuid)) self.token_ring.drop_acl(uuid)
[docs] async def dbus_connected(self, owner): introspection = await self.bus.introspect( self.DBUS_SERVICE.NAME, self.DBUS_SERVICE.PATH ) service = self.bus.get_proxy_object( self.DBUS_SERVICE.NAME, self.DBUS_SERVICE.PATH, introspection ) self.network_interface = NetworkInterface(service) self.node_interface = None self.management_interface = None self._register()
[docs] def dbus_disconnected(self, owner): self._unregister() self.management_interface = None self.node_interface = None self.network_interface = None super().dbus_disconnected(owner)
def _register(self): # pylint: disable=W0212"Registering application") self.bus.export(self.path, self.application_interface) self.bus.export(self.path, self.provision_agent_interface) self.bus.export(self.path, self.provisioner_interface) for index, element_class in self.ELEMENTS.items(): element = element_class(self, index) self.elements[index] = element element_interface = ElementInterface(element) self.bus.export(element.path, element_interface) def _unregister(self): # pylint: disable=W0212"Unregistering application") for element in self.elements.values(): self.bus.unexport(element.path) self.bus.unexport(self.path) self.elements = {} async def _join_callback( self, token, join_callback: Optional[Callable[[int], Awaitable[int]]] = None ): self.token_ring.token = token if join_callback: return await join_callback(token)
[docs] async def connect( self, join_callback: Optional[Callable[[int], Awaitable[int]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Mapping[int, Dict[Tuple[int, int], Dict[str, Tuple[Any, int]]]]: """ Connect to BlueZ. If a node doesn't exist yet, it gets created via Import() call, using self.dev_key, self.primary_net_key, self.address and self.iv_index. Returns current node configuration, see documentation for Attach() method in mesh-api.txt_. """ try: configuration = await self.attach(self.token_ring.token, **kwargs) except (ValueError, dbus_next.errors.DBusError) as ex: self.logger.error("Attach failed: %s, trying to import node", ex) token = await self.import_node( join_callback=join_callback, ) configuration = await self.attach(token, **kwargs) # after attaching, explicitly import own device key to enable # communication with local Config Server await self.management_interface.import_remote_node( self.address, len(self.ELEMENTS), self.dev_key ) return configuration
[docs] async def add_net_key(self, net_key_index: int, net_key: NetworkKey) -> Any: """ Imports a network key into daemon's keyring. :param net_key_index: Index of the network key :param net_key: Value of the new network key """ client = self.elements[0][ConfigClient] return await client.add_net_key( self.address, net_index=self.primary_net_key[0], net_key_index=net_key_index, net_key=net_key, )
[docs] async def delete_net_key(self, net_key_index: int) -> Any: """ Removes a network key from daemon's keyring. :param net_key_index: Index of the network key :param net_key: Value of the new network key """ client = self.elements[0][ConfigClient] return await client.delete_net_key( self.address, net_index=self.primary_net_key[0], net_key_index=net_key_index, )
async def add_app_key( self, net_key_index: int, app_key_index: int, app_key: ApplicationKey ) -> "AppKeyStatus": """ Imports an application key into daemon's keyring. :param net_key_index: Index of the network key the new application key is bound to :param app_key_index: Index of the new application key :param app_key: Value of the new application key """ client = self.elements[0][ConfigClient] return await client.add_app_key( self.address, net_index=self.primary_net_key[0], app_key_index=app_key_index, net_key_index=net_key_index, app_key=app_key, )
[docs] async def delete_app_key( self, net_key_index: int, app_key_index: int ) -> "AppKeyStatus": """ Removes an application key from daemon's keyring. :param net_key_index: Index of the network key the deleted application key is bound to :param app_key_index: Index of the deleted application key """ client = self.elements[0][ConfigClient] return await client.delete_app_key( self.address, net_index=self.primary_net_key[0], app_key_index=app_key_index, net_key_index=net_key_index, )
[docs] async def add_app_key( self, net_key_index: int, app_key_index: int, app_key: ApplicationKey ) -> "AppKeyStatus": """ Imports an application key into daemon's keyring. :param net_key_index: Index of the network key the new application key is bound to :param app_key_index: Index of the new application key :param app_key: Value of the new application key """ client = self.elements[0][ConfigClient] return await client.add_app_key( self.address, net_index=self.primary_net_key[0], app_key_index=app_key_index, net_key_index=net_key_index, app_key=app_key, )
[docs] async def bind_app_key( self, app_key_index: int, model: "Model" ) -> "ModelBindStatus": """ See :py:func:`Model.bind` instead. """ client = self.elements[0][ConfigClient] return await client.bind_app_key( self.address, net_index=self.primary_net_key[0], element_address=self.address + model.element.index, app_key_index=app_key_index, model=type(model), )
[docs] async def subscribe_model( self, subscription_address: int, model: "Model" ) -> "ModelSubscriptionStatus": """ See :py:func:`Model.subscribe` instead. """ client = self.elements[0][ConfigClient] return await client.add_subscription( self.address, net_index=self.primary_net_key[0], element_address=self.address + model.element.index, subscription_address=subscription_address, model=type(model), )
[docs] async def unsubscribe_model( self, subscription_address: int, model: "Model" ) -> "ModelSubscriptionStatus": """ See :py:func:`Model.unsubscribe` instead. """ client = self.elements[0][ConfigClient] return await client.del_subscription( self.address, net_index=self.primary_net_key[0], element_address=self.address + model.element.index, subscription_address=subscription_address, model=type(model), )
[docs] async def clear_subscriptions(self, model: "Model") -> "ModelSubscriptionStatus": """ See :py:func:`Model.unsubscribe_all` instead. """ client = self.elements[0][ConfigClient] return await client.clear_subscriptions( self.address, net_index=self.primary_net_key[0], element_address=self.address + model.element.index, model=type(model), )
[docs] def get_model_instance(self, element: int, model: Type["Model"]) -> "Model": return self.elements[element][model]
[docs] async def join(self): """ Try to join a mesh network by broadcasting Unprovisioned Device Beacons, waiting for PB-ADV based provisioner. """"Join %s", self.uuid) self._join_complete = asyncio.Future() await self.network_interface.join("/", self.uuid) return await self._join_complete
[docs] async def create_network(self): """ Create a new mesh network. """"Create %s", self.uuid) self._join_complete = asyncio.Future() await self.network_interface.create_network("/", self.uuid) return await self._join_complete
[docs] async def cancel(self): """ Cancel outstanding :py:func:`join` request. """"Cancel") await self.network_interface.cancel()
[docs] async def leave(self): """ Remove the node. """"Leave") await self.network_interface.leave(self.token_ring.token)
[docs] async def attach(self, token: int, *, socket_pair=False, socket_path: str = None): """ Attach to existing node using a token. Returns current node configuration, see documentation for Attach() method in mesh-api.txt_. """ "Attach %x (socket_pair=%s, socket_path=%s)", token, socket_pair, socket_path, ) if socket_pair and socket_path: raise AssertionError("Use either socket_pair or socket_path") if socket_pair: path, configuration, sock = await self.network_interface.attach_fd( "/", token ) self._add_reader(sock) elif socket_path: path, configuration, sock = await self.network_interface.attach_unix( "/", token, socket_path ) self._add_reader(sock) else: path, configuration = await self.network_interface.attach("/", token) introspection = await self.bus.introspect(MeshService.NAME, path) node_service = self.bus.get_proxy_object(MeshService.NAME, path, introspection) node_interface = NodeInterface(node_service) self.address = await node_interface.address() self.node_interface = node_interface self.management_interface = ManagementInterface(node_service) for element, models_configs in configuration.items(): for model_id, model_config in models_configs.items(): self.elements[element].update_model_configuration( model_id, model_config ) "Attached to node %s, address: %04x, configuration: %s", path, self.address, configuration, ) return configuration
def _add_reader(self, sock: Any) -> Any: HEADER = struct.Struct( "<" "B" # flags "H" # source address "H" # destination address "B" # element index "H" # appplication key index "H" # net key index "B" # ttl "16s" # virtual label "Q" # timestamp ) def _read_message() -> Any: while True: try: line, *_ = sock.recvmsg(1024) except BlockingIOError: break header, data = line[: HEADER.size], line[HEADER.size :] ( flags, source, destination, element, app_index, net_index, ttl, label, _, ) = HEADER.unpack(header) dev_key = bool(flags & 0x01) if dev_key: remote = bool(flags & 0x02) self.elements[element].dev_key_message_received( source, remote, net_index, data ) else: self.elements[element].message_received( source, app_index, destination, data ) self.loop.add_reader(sock, _read_message)
[docs] async def import_node( self, join_callback: Optional[Callable[[int], Awaitable[int]]] = None, key_refresh: bool = False, ) -> int: """ Create a self-provisioned node. """ net_index, net_key = self.primary_net_key self.logger.warning( "Import node %s, address %04x, iv index %i%s", self.uuid.hex, self.address, self.iv_index, "(updating)" if self.iv_update else "", ) flags = dict( IvUpdate=dbus_next.Variant("b", self.iv_update), KeyRefresh=dbus_next.Variant("b", key_refresh), ) self._join_complete = JoinComplete( partial(self._join_callback, join_callback=join_callback), asyncio.Future() ) await self.network_interface.import_node( "/", self.uuid, self.dev_key, net_key, net_index, flags, self.iv_index, self.address, ) return await self._join_complete.future
[docs] def join_complete(self, token: int): def join_complete_result(f: asyncio.Future): try: self._join_complete.future.set_result(token) except Exception as ex: self._join_complete.future.set_exception(ex) raise dbus_next.errors.DBusError( "org.bluez.mesh.Application1", str(ex) ) from None join_task = self.loop.create_task(self._join_complete.callback(token)) join_task.add_done_callback(join_complete_result)
[docs] def join_failed(self, reason: str): self._join_complete.set_exception(MeshError(reason))
[docs]class LocationMixin: """ Provides `location` property. """ LOCATION = None # type: int def __init__(self): assert self.LOCATION is not None @property def location(self) -> int: return self.LOCATION
[docs]class Element(LocationMixin): """ Base class for elements. """ MODELS = [] # type: List[Type["Model"]] def __init__(self, application: Application, index: int): super().__init__() self.logger = application.logger.getChild( "Element%d" % index ) # type: logging.Logger self.application = application self.index = index self.path = "%s/element%d" % (self.application.path, index) for opcode in sum((list(model.OPCODES) for model in self.MODELS), []): models = [model for model in self.MODELS if opcode in model.OPCODES] assert ( len(models) == 1 ), "Element #%d declares models %r with overlapping opcode %r" % ( index, models, opcode, ) self._models = { model_class: model_class(self) for model_class in self.MODELS } # type: Dict[Type["Model"], "Model"]
[docs] def message_received( self, source: int, app_index: int, destination: Union[int, UUID], data: bytes ): """ Called by :py:class:`bluetooth_mesh.interfaces.ElementInterface` when receiving a message encrypted with application key. The message is parsed using :py:class:`bluetooth_mesh.messages.AccessMessage` and (depending on the opcode) passed to relevant models' :func:`~bluetooth_mesh.models.Model.message_received`. """ try: message = AccessMessage.parse(data) except construct.ConstructError as ex: self.logger.warning( "App message parse error [source %04x, app_index %d, destination %04x, data %s]: %s", source, app_index, destination, data.hex(), ex, ) return for model in self._models.values(): if message["opcode"] in model.OPCODES: model.message_received(source, app_index, destination, message) return
[docs] def dev_key_message_received( self, source: int, remote: bool, net_index: int, data: bytes ): """ Called by :py:class:`bluetooth_mesh.interfaces.ElementInterface` when receiving a message encrypted with device key. The message is parsed using :py:class:`bluetooth_mesh.messages.AccessMessage` and (depending on the opcode) passed to relevant models' :py:func:`bluetooth_mesh.models.Model.dev_key_message_received`. """ try: message = AccessMessage.parse(data) except construct.ConstructError as ex: self.logger.warning( "Dev message parse error [source %04x, net_index %d, data %s]: %s", source, net_index, data.hex(), ex, ) return for model in self._models.values(): if message["opcode"] in model.OPCODES: model.dev_key_message_received(source, remote, net_index, message) return
[docs] def update_model_configuration( self, model_id: Tuple[Optional[int], int], configuration: Mapping[str, Any] ): """ Called by :py:class:`bluetooth_mesh.interfaces.ElementInterface` when model configuration is updated via daemon's internal Config Server model. Passes the configuration to relevant model's :py:func:`bluetooth_mesh.models.Model.update_configuration`. """ for model in self._models.values(): if model.MODEL_ID == model_id: model_config = ModelConfig(**configuration) model.update_configuration(model_config) return model_config
def __getitem__(self, model_class: Type["Model"]) -> "Model": return self._models[model_class] @property def models(self) -> List[Tuple[int, bool, bool]]: """ Used by :py:class:`bluetooth_mesh.interfaces.ApplicationInterface` to expose a list of supported SIG models via D-Bus. """ return [ (model.MODEL_ID[1], model.PUBLISH, model.SUBSCRIBE) for model in self._models.values() if model.MODEL_ID[0] is None ] @property def vendor_models(self) -> List[Tuple[Tuple[int, int], bool, bool]]: """ Used by :py:class:`bluetooth_mesh.interfaces.ApplicationInterface` to expose a list of supported vendor models via D-Bus. """ return [ (model.MODEL_ID, model.PUBLISH, model.SUBSCRIBE) for model in self._models.values() if model.MODEL_ID[0] is not None ] def __repr__(self): def model_name(cls): if cls.MODEL_ID[0] is None: return "<%s %04x>" % (cls.__name__, cls.MODEL_ID[1]) return "<%s %04x%04x>" % (cls.__name__, *cls.MODEL_ID) return "<%s: models=%s>" % ( type(self).__name__, ", ".join(model_name(i) for i in self.MODELS), )